The dialogue centers around the concept of piety and features a conversation between Socrates and Euthyphro. Euthyphro claims to know what piety is and is prosecuting his father for murder based on religious grounds. However, Socrates challenges Euthyphro to provide a clear definition of piety, leading to the famous Euthyphro Dilemma. 

The dilemma raises the question of whether something is pious because the gods love it or whether the gods love it because it is pious. This challenges the notion that moral goodness is solely determined by the will of the gods. Socrates seeks a universal and objective definition of piety that applies consistently to all cases, but Euthyphro's attempts fall short, revealing the complexity of the subject. 

The dialogue highlights Socrates' humility in recognizing his own ignorance while probing the depths of philosophical questions. Overall, "Euthyphro" delves into the examination of piety, ethical considerations, and the pursuit of knowledge and truth. 

It's a good introduction to how Plato will structure many of his dialogues.