Steve P Brady

I’m drooling.…

New Saturday thing. Deadlifts, farmer carries and timed mile.

I’m dead. 😫

Getting prepped to teach a new 🚀 sci-fi unit made up almost entirely of Ray Bradbury.

Looking forward to a deep dive into a classic author in the genre.

(And one perfect for my 8th graders.)

Weather cleared up this afternoon just in time for a woods walk. Not too shabby.

Woke up at 5AM to a beautiful 4 inches of fresh snowfall.

2 1/2 hours of pouring rain later and I am looking at mush. ☹

“A time is coming when men will go mad, and seeing someone who is not mad, they will attack him, saying, ‘You are mad, you are not like us.’” - St. Anthony the Great, early 4th Century

Randonly came across this quote and it feels a little too prescient.

📺 Just finished WOODLANDS DARK on Shudder. Great documentary of the history, meaning and impact of folk horror.

Can’t wait to dive into their new collection of titles in the genre.

Testing out the new MicroBlog Android app. MB and Twitter are really my only personal social media these days, so grateful for the update.

(Still very active on LinkedIn for business reasons.)

Deadlifts this morning. First time in a real long time. This is gonna hurt.

#BadHaikus 🏋️‍♂️

📚 Currently reading: Dead of Winter by Kealan Burke

Spending the next 2 days watching the classic film 12 ANGRY MEN with my students. Have not taught this in a while and it feels fresh again.

MA is now providing digital versions of vaccination cards. Part of me doesn’t love the big brother aspect. The other part is happy for the convenience.

The later won.

It’s a cold one in my corner of New England.

Just booked tickets for an April event- In Conversation with Neil Gainman in Boston. Pretty stoked! Been a long time reader of @neilhimself and my wife is a super fan!

Cleaning out a drawer and I found $100 worth of gift cards to Barnes and Noble and LL Bean. #Winning

Working on getting one of those wallet/card apps set up. While I love the idea on not needing to carry around a bunch of cards, seems like a bit of a security risk. Am I being too “boomer” about that?

🏃‍♂️ Saturday is long run day, but due to yesterday’s epic snow shoveling session I may opt for an easier jog. Shooting for a solid 45 mins on the tredmill. Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good, right?

📚 Currently reading: “Light Has Weight, But Darkness Does Not” by Dean Koontz

Anyone ever have issues attaching photos on gluon? I’m on an Android.

All dressed up and somewhere to go.

Spending some time today learning about customer jouneys (via Mailchimp) in order to level up my coaching business. It’s looking easier than I thought it would be! 👍

" If someone is winning at a higher level than you are, either lower your expectations to match your work ethic or increase your work ethic to exceed your expectations. If you do neither, you’ll be miserable.”

― Patrick Bet-David, Your Next Five Moves 📖

CDC just lifted masks for the vaccinated. Hoping local businesses change policies soon. Feeling like things are getting back to normal. 🤞 knocks on wood

This little guy has made a nest right outside my room at work. New mascot?